Source code for pymodaq.utils.tcp_ip.serializer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created the 20/10/2023

@author: Sebastien Weber
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
import numbers
from typing import Tuple, List, Union, TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable

import numpy as np
from pymodaq.utils import data as data_mod
from import DataWithAxes, DataToExport, Axis, DwaType

    from pymodaq.utils.tcp_ip.mysocket import Socket


[docs]class SocketString: """Mimic the Socket object but actually using a bytes string not a socket connection Implements a minimal interface of two methods Parameters ---------- bytes_string: bytes See Also -------- :class:`~pymodaq.utils.tcp_ip.mysocket.Socket` """ def __init__(self, bytes_string: bytes): self._bytes_string = bytes_string
[docs] def check_received_length(self, length: int) -> bytes: """ Make sure all bytes (length) that should be received are received through the socket. Here just read the content of the underlying bytes string Parameters ---------- length: int The number of bytes to be read from the socket Returns ------- bytes """ data = self._bytes_string[0:length] self._bytes_string = self._bytes_string[length:] return data
[docs] def get_first_nbytes(self, length: int) -> bytes: """ Read the first N bytes from the socket Parameters ---------- length: int The number of bytes to be read from the socket Returns ------- bytes the read bytes string """ return self.check_received_length(length)
[docs]class Serializer: """Used to Serialize to bytes python objects, numpy arrays and PyMoDAQ DataWithAxes and DataToExport objects""" def __init__(self, obj: SERIALIZABLE = None): self._bytes_string = b'' self._obj = obj
[docs] def to_bytes(self): """ Generic method to obtain the bytes string from various objects Compatible objects are: * :class:`bytes` * :class:`numbers.Number` * :class:`str` * :class:`numpy.ndarray` * :class:`` * :class:`` and sub-flavours * :class:`` * :class:`list` of any objects above """ if isinstance(self._obj, bytes): return self.bytes_serialization(self._obj) elif isinstance(self._obj, numbers.Number): return self.scalar_serialization(self._obj) elif isinstance(self._obj, str): return self.string_serialization(self._obj) elif isinstance(self._obj, np.ndarray): return self.ndarray_serialization(self._obj) elif isinstance(self._obj, Axis): return self.axis_serialization(self._obj) elif self._obj.__class__.__name__ in DwaType.names(): return self.dwa_serialization(self._obj) elif isinstance(self._obj, DataToExport): return self.dte_serialization(self._obj) elif isinstance(self._obj, list): return self.list_serialization(self._obj) elif isinstance(self._obj, bool): return self.scalar_serialization(int(self._obj)) raise ValueError
def to_b64_string(self) -> str: b = self.to_bytes() return b64encode(b).decode()
[docs] @staticmethod def int_to_bytes(an_integer: int) -> bytes: """Convert an unsigned integer into a byte array of length 4 in big endian Parameters ---------- an_integer: int Returns ------- bytearray """ if not isinstance(an_integer, int): raise TypeError(f'{an_integer} should be an integer, not a {type(an_integer)}') elif an_integer < 0: raise ValueError('Can only serialize unsigned integer using this method') return an_integer.to_bytes(4, 'big')
@staticmethod def str_to_bytes(message: str) -> bytes: if not isinstance(message, str): raise TypeError('Can only serialize str object using this method') return message.encode()
[docs] @classmethod def str_len_to_bytes(cls, message: Union[str, bytes]) -> (bytes, bytes): """ Convert a string and its length to two bytes Parameters ---------- message: str the message to convert Returns ------- bytes: message converted as a byte array bytes: length of the message byte array, itself as a byte array of length 4 """ if not isinstance(message, str) and not isinstance(message, bytes): message = str(message) if not isinstance(message, bytes): message = cls.str_to_bytes(message) return message, cls.int_to_bytes(len(message))
def _int_serialization(self, int_obj: int) -> bytes: """serialize an unsigned integer used for getting the length of messages internaly, for outside integer serialization or deserialization use scalar_serialization""" int_bytes = self.int_to_bytes(int_obj) bytes_string = int_bytes self._bytes_string += bytes_string return bytes_string def bytes_serialization(self, bytes_string_in: bytes) -> bytes: bytes_string = b'' bytes_string += self.int_to_bytes(len(bytes_string_in)) bytes_string += bytes_string_in return bytes_string
[docs] def string_serialization(self, string: str) -> bytes: """ Convert a string into a bytes message together with the info to convert it back Parameters ---------- string: str Returns ------- bytes: the total bytes message to serialize the string """ bytes_string = b'' cmd_bytes, cmd_length_bytes = self.str_len_to_bytes(string) bytes_string += cmd_length_bytes bytes_string += cmd_bytes self._bytes_string += bytes_string return bytes_string
[docs] def scalar_serialization(self, scalar: numbers.Number) -> bytes: """ Convert a scalar into a bytes message together with the info to convert it back Parameters ---------- scalar: str Returns ------- bytes: the total bytes message to serialize the scalar """ if not isinstance(scalar, numbers.Number): raise TypeError(f'{scalar} should be an integer or a float, not a {type(scalar)}') scalar_array = np.array([scalar]) data_type = scalar_array.dtype.descr[0][1] data_bytes = scalar_array.tobytes() bytes_string = b'' bytes_string += self.string_serialization(data_type) bytes_string += self._int_serialization(len(data_bytes)) bytes_string += data_bytes self._bytes_string += bytes_string return bytes_string
[docs] def ndarray_serialization(self, array: np.ndarray) -> bytes: """ Convert a ndarray into a bytes message together with the info to convert it back Parameters ---------- array: np.ndarray Returns ------- bytes: the total bytes message to serialize the scalar Notes ----- The bytes sequence is constructed as: * get data type as a string * reshape array as 1D array and get the array dimensionality (len of array's shape) * convert Data array as bytes * serialize data type * serialize data length * serialize data shape length * serialize all values of the shape as integers converted to bytes * serialize array as bytes """ if not isinstance(array, np.ndarray): raise TypeError(f'{array} should be an numpy array, not a {type(array)}') array_type = array.dtype.descr[0][1] array_shape = array.shape array = array.reshape(array.size) array_bytes = array.tobytes() bytes_string = b'' bytes_string += self.string_serialization(array_type) bytes_string += self._int_serialization(len(array_bytes)) bytes_string += self._int_serialization(len(array_shape)) for shape_elt in array_shape: bytes_string += self._int_serialization(shape_elt) bytes_string += array_bytes self._bytes_string += bytes_string return bytes_string
[docs] def object_type_serialization(self, obj: Union[Axis, DataToExport, DataWithAxes]) -> bytes: """ Convert an object type into a bytes message as a string together with the info to convert it back Applies to Data object from the module """ return self.string_serialization(obj.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def axis_serialization(self, axis: Axis) -> bytes: """ Convert an Axis object into a bytes message together with the info to convert it back Parameters ---------- axis: Axis Returns ------- bytes: the total bytes message to serialize the Axis Notes ----- The bytes sequence is constructed as: * serialize the type: 'Axis' * serialize the axis label * serialize the axis units * serialize the axis array * serialize the axis * serialize the axis spread_order """ if not isinstance(axis, Axis): raise TypeError(f'{axis} should be a list, not a {type(axis)}') bytes_string = b'' bytes_string += self.object_type_serialization(axis) bytes_string += self.string_serialization(axis.label) bytes_string += self.string_serialization(axis.units) bytes_string += self.ndarray_serialization(axis.get_data()) bytes_string += self.scalar_serialization(axis.index) bytes_string += self.scalar_serialization(axis.spread_order) self._bytes_string += bytes_string return bytes_string
[docs] def list_serialization(self, list_object: List) -> bytes: """ Convert a list of objects into a bytes message together with the info to convert it back Parameters ---------- list_object: list the list could contains either scalars, strings or ndarrays or Axis objects or DataWithAxis objects module Returns ------- bytes: the total bytes message to serialize the list of objects Notes ----- The bytes sequence is constructed as: * the length of the list Then for each object: * get data type as a string * use the serialization method adapted to each object in the list """ if not isinstance(list_object, list): raise TypeError(f'{list_object} should be a list, not a {type(list_object)}') bytes_string = b'' bytes_string += self._int_serialization(len(list_object)) for obj in list_object: bytes_string += self.type_and_object_serialization(obj) self._bytes_string += bytes_string return bytes_string
def type_and_object_serialization(self, obj): bytes_string = b'' if isinstance(obj, DataWithAxes): bytes_string += self.string_serialization('dwa') bytes_string += self.dwa_serialization(obj) elif isinstance(obj, Axis): bytes_string += self.string_serialization('axis') bytes_string += self.axis_serialization(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): bytes_string += self.string_serialization('array') bytes_string += self.ndarray_serialization(obj) elif isinstance(obj, str): bytes_string += self.string_serialization('string') bytes_string += self.string_serialization(obj) elif isinstance(obj, numbers.Number): bytes_string += self.string_serialization('scalar') bytes_string += self.scalar_serialization(obj) elif isinstance(obj, bool): bytes_string += self.string_serialization('bool') bytes_string += self.scalar_serialization(int(obj)) elif isinstance(obj, list): bytes_string += self.string_serialization('list') bytes_string += self.list_serialization(obj) else: raise TypeError( f'the element {obj} type cannot be serialized into bytes, only numpy arrays' f', strings, or scalars (int or float)') return bytes_string
[docs] def dwa_serialization(self, dwa: DataWithAxes) -> bytes: """ Convert a DataWithAxes into a bytes string Parameters ---------- dwa: DataWithAxes Returns ------- bytes: the total bytes message to serialize the DataWithAxes Notes ----- The bytes sequence is constructed as: * serialize the string type: 'DataWithAxes' * serialize the timestamp: float * serialize the name * serialize the source enum as a string * serialize the dim enum as a string * serialize the distribution enum as a string * serialize the list of numpy arrays * serialize the list of labels * serialize the origin * serialize the nav_index tuple as a list of int * serialize the list of axis * serialize the errors attributes (None or list(np.ndarray)) * serialize the list of names of extra attributes * serialize the extra attributes """ if not isinstance(dwa, DataWithAxes): raise TypeError(f'{dwa} should be a DataWithAxes, not a {type(dwa)}') bytes_string = b'' bytes_string += self.object_type_serialization(dwa) bytes_string += self.scalar_serialization(dwa.timestamp) bytes_string += self.string_serialization( bytes_string += self.string_serialization( bytes_string += self.string_serialization( bytes_string += self.string_serialization( bytes_string += self.list_serialization( bytes_string += self.list_serialization(dwa.labels) bytes_string += self.string_serialization(dwa.origin) bytes_string += self.list_serialization(list(dwa.nav_indexes)) bytes_string += self.list_serialization(dwa.axes) if dwa.errors is None: errors = [] # have to use this extra attribute as if I force dwa.errors = [], it will be #internally modified as None again else: errors = dwa.errors bytes_string += self.list_serialization(errors) bytes_string += self.list_serialization(dwa.extra_attributes) for attribute in dwa.extra_attributes: bytes_string += self.type_and_object_serialization(getattr(dwa, attribute)) self._bytes_string += bytes_string return bytes_string
[docs] def dte_serialization(self, dte: DataToExport) -> bytes: """ Convert a DataToExport into a bytes string Parameters ---------- dte: DataToExport Returns ------- bytes: the total bytes message to serialize the DataToExport Notes ----- The bytes sequence is constructed as: * serialize the string type: 'DataToExport' * serialize the timestamp: float * serialize the name * serialize the list of DataWithAxes """ if not isinstance(dte, DataToExport): raise TypeError(f'{dte} should be a DataToExport, not a {type(dte)}') bytes_string = b'' bytes_string += self.object_type_serialization(dte) bytes_string += self.scalar_serialization(dte.timestamp) bytes_string += self.string_serialization( bytes_string += self.list_serialization( self._bytes_string += bytes_string return bytes_string
[docs]class DeSerializer: """Used to DeSerialize bytes to python objects, numpy arrays and PyMoDAQ Axis, DataWithAxes and DataToExport objects Parameters ---------- bytes_string: bytes or Socket the bytes string to deserialize into an object: int, float, string, arrays, list, Axis, DataWithAxes... Could also be a Socket object reading bytes from the network having a `get_first_nbytes` method See Also -------- :py:class:`~pymodaq.utils.tcp_ip.serializer.SocketString` :py:class:`~pymodaq.utils.tcp_ip.mysocket.Socket` """ def __init__(self, bytes_string: Union[bytes, 'Socket'] = None): if isinstance(bytes_string, bytes): bytes_string = SocketString(bytes_string) self._bytes_string = bytes_string @classmethod def from_b64_string(cls, b64_string: Union[bytes, str]) -> "DeSerializer": return cls(b64decode(b64_string)) @staticmethod def bytes_to_string(message: bytes) -> str: return message.decode()
[docs] @staticmethod def bytes_to_int(bytes_string: bytes) -> int: """Convert a bytes of length 4 into an integer""" if not isinstance(bytes_string, bytes): raise TypeError(f'{bytes_string} should be an bytes string, not a {type(bytes_string)}') assert len(bytes_string) == 4 return int.from_bytes(bytes_string, 'big')
[docs] @staticmethod def bytes_to_scalar(data: bytes, dtype: np.dtype) -> numbers.Number: """Convert bytes to a scalar given a certain numpy dtype Parameters ---------- data: bytes dtype:np.dtype Returns ------- numbers.Number """ return np.frombuffer(data, dtype=dtype)[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def bytes_to_nd_array(data: bytes, dtype: np.dtype, shape: Tuple[int]) -> np.ndarray: """Convert bytes to a ndarray given a certain numpy dtype and shape Parameters ---------- data: bytes dtype: np.dtype shape: tuple of int Returns ------- np.ndarray """ array = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=dtype) array = array.reshape(tuple(shape)) array = np.atleast_1d(array) # remove singleton dimensions but keeping ndarrays return array
def _int_deserialization(self) -> int: """Convert the fourth first bytes into an unsigned integer to be used internally. For integer serialization use scal_serialization""" int_obj = self.bytes_to_int(self._bytes_string.get_first_nbytes(4)) return int_obj
[docs] def string_deserialization(self) -> str: """Convert bytes into a str object Convert first the fourth first bytes into an int encoding the length of the string to decode Returns ------- str: the decoded string """ string_len = self._int_deserialization() str_obj = self._bytes_string.get_first_nbytes(string_len).decode() return str_obj
[docs] def scalar_deserialization(self) -> numbers.Number: """Convert bytes into a numbers.Number object Get first the data type from a string deserialization, then the data length and finally convert this length of bytes into a number (float, int) Returns ------- numbers.Number: the decoded number """ data_type = self.string_deserialization() data_len = self._int_deserialization() number = np.frombuffer(self._bytes_string.get_first_nbytes(data_len), dtype=data_type)[0] if 'f' in data_type: number = float(number) # because one get numpy float type elif 'i' in data_type: number = int(number) # because one get numpy int type return number
[docs] def boolean_deserialization(self) -> bool: """Convert bytes into a boolean object Get first the data type from a string deserialization, then the data length and finally convert this length of bytes into a number (float, int) and cast it to a bool Returns ------- bool: the decoded boolean """ number = self.scalar_deserialization() return bool(number)
[docs] def ndarray_deserialization(self) -> np.ndarray: """Convert bytes into a numpy ndarray object Convert the first bytes into a ndarray reading first information about the array's data Returns ------- ndarray: the decoded numpy array """ ndarray_type = self.string_deserialization() ndarray_len = self._int_deserialization() shape_len = self._int_deserialization() shape = [] for ind in range(shape_len): shape_elt = self._int_deserialization() shape.append(shape_elt) ndarray = np.frombuffer(self._bytes_string.get_first_nbytes(ndarray_len), dtype=ndarray_type) ndarray = ndarray.reshape(tuple(shape)) ndarray = np.atleast_1d(ndarray) # remove singleton dimensions return ndarray
def object_deserialization(self): obj_type = self.string_deserialization() elt = None if obj_type == 'scalar': elt = self.scalar_deserialization() elif obj_type == 'string': elt = self.string_deserialization() elif obj_type == 'array': elt = self.ndarray_deserialization() elif obj_type == 'dwa': elt = self.dwa_deserialization() elif obj_type == 'axis': elt = self.axis_deserialization() elif obj_type == 'bool': elt = self.boolean_deserialization() elif obj_type == 'list': elt = self.list_deserialization() else: print(f'invalid object type {obj_type}') return elt
[docs] def list_deserialization(self) -> list: """Convert bytes into a list of homogeneous objects Convert the first bytes into a list reading first information about the list elt types, length ... Returns ------- list: the decoded list """ list_obj = [] list_len = self._int_deserialization() for ind in range(list_len): list_obj.append(self.object_deserialization()) return list_obj
[docs] def axis_deserialization(self) -> Axis: """Convert bytes into an Axis object Convert the first bytes into an Axis reading first information about the Axis Returns ------- Axis: the decoded Axis """ class_name = self.string_deserialization() if class_name != Axis.__name__: raise TypeError(f'Attempting to deserialize an Axis but got the bytes for a {class_name}') axis_label = self.string_deserialization() axis_units = self.string_deserialization() axis_array = self.ndarray_deserialization() axis_index = self.scalar_deserialization() axis_spread_order = self.scalar_deserialization() axis = Axis(axis_label, axis_units, data=axis_array, index=axis_index, spread_order=axis_spread_order) return axis
[docs] def dwa_deserialization(self) -> DataWithAxes: """Convert bytes into a DataWithAxes object Convert the first bytes into a DataWithAxes reading first information about the underlying data Returns ------- DataWithAxes: the decoded DataWithAxes """ class_name = self.string_deserialization() if class_name not in DwaType.names(): raise TypeError(f'Attempting to deserialize a DataWithAxes flavor but got the bytes for a {class_name}') timestamp = self.scalar_deserialization() dwa = getattr(data_mod, class_name)(self.string_deserialization(), source=self.string_deserialization(), dim=self.string_deserialization(), distribution=self.string_deserialization(), data=self.list_deserialization(), labels=self.list_deserialization(), origin=self.string_deserialization(), nav_indexes=tuple(self.list_deserialization()), axes=self.list_deserialization(), ) errors = self.list_deserialization() if len(errors) != 0: dwa.errors = errors dwa.extra_attributes = self.list_deserialization() for attribute in dwa.extra_attributes: setattr(dwa, attribute, self.object_deserialization()) dwa.timestamp = timestamp return dwa
[docs] def dte_deserialization(self) -> DataToExport: """Convert bytes into a DataToExport object Convert the first bytes into a DataToExport reading first information about the underlying data Returns ------- DataToExport: the decoded DataToExport """ class_name = self.string_deserialization() if class_name != DataToExport.__name__: raise TypeError(f'Attempting to deserialize a DataToExport but got the bytes for a {class_name}') timestamp = self.scalar_deserialization() dte = DataToExport(self.string_deserialization(), data=self.list_deserialization(), ) dte.timestamp = timestamp return dte